Russell here to reassure Pet Parents that there is no evidence that pets carry or transmit corona virus to people. Here are 7 things you can do to help yourself and your pet.
1. Stay calm. It’s the best thing Pet Parents can do. Be as the dog and live in the moment. I like to lay on my back and meditate; it helps me remember this too will pass.
2. Stay active. It’s important to keep moving with social distancing in mind. Walk your pooch, on a leash, at least twice a day. The sunshine, fresh air and exercise are not only good for the body but can also realign the mind and emotions to maintain a tail-wagging attitude.
3. Talk to your dog or pet. We like it when you talk to us, especially if there’s affection involved at the same time. Tell us your problems. It’s a healthy release and you’ll feel better for it. We can handle whatever you’re feeling as long as you’re not yelling or expressing in a negative way. We love you and we paws-itivily want to help however we can. Remember, a dog is a person’s best friend.
4. Plan ahead. If you live alone, ask a friend or neighbor to look after your pet if you get sick. If you do get sick, it’s best not to kiss, share a bed or have too much close contact with your pet. Basically, the same way you’d isolate and handle the situation with any family member.
5. Give your dog vitamin C. A dog’s body can make vitamin C, which is different than people, but vitamin C can easily be depleted with stress. Because our Pet Parents are under a lot of stress right now, we feel it too. Calcium ascorbate it the best form of vitamin C for dogs. The dosage varies, between 100 to 500 mg. The amount depends on the size of the dog. For an 80-pound dog, you can give up to 500 mg. per day. Like people, if a dog gets too much vitamin C, the poops can follow. Simply cut back on the dosage if that happens. Vitamin C is vital for the immune system, which is also good for Pet Parents right now too. I’ll be writing more about vitamin C in another blog post. Woof!
6. Develop structure. A change in your schedule can be a sign of stress for your pooch, so keep some structure each day. A schedule, even a loose one, is important for everyone in the family pack to feel a sense of stability.
7. Like a watch dog, monitor how you’re programing your mind with what you listen to, watch, and read. Fill your thoughts with positive, uplifting images and music. I like the thought-provoking, uplifting music of Michael Tomlinson, ( or artists like him. Don’t miss watching the second episode of the Transcendence series on Overcoming Fear and Stress. This is a tail wagging episode perfect for what is happening now and very helpful to all who have viewed it.
This is a time for all beings to pawz and breathe deeply. Through it all, keep wagging your tail and before you know it we’ll be running through the grass in the dog days of summer.
Wag more and bark less. Until next time. Russell rolling over and out.
Wag on. Woof!