About the Author

Trisha, known to some as Trish, holds a reverence for nature and compassion for those in need, including, and especially animals. Of course, that encompasses pets too, and thus all her dogs and cats over the years were rescues or strays.

Twenty years of self-employment helped her develop a can-do attitude, however, writing a book can be intimidating unless it comes through inspiration. When asked about the process of creating this unique, moving novel, she said, “This story wouldn’t leave me alone, much of it flowed easily. Some I don’t remember writing, which at first was spooky, but later made complete sense as the story revealed itself. My intention with this book is to perhaps provide a source of healing for those who read it.”

At sixteen, Trisha began her spiritual journey. Over the years she has delved into many facets always with an open mind and a dash of healthy skepticism. Never looking back she keeps moving forward in her spiritual adventure seeking to learn and share her experiences with others.

Trish was born in Rhode Island. A few years later her family moved to the “Mile High City” Denver Colorado where she grew up. As an adult, she was drawn to the mountains eventually settling in Evergreen, a small mountain town outside of Denver. It is there she’s built a life with her husband Mark and their two dogs, Maggie and Cooper.