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Paul V, Reviewer A very good metaphysical read. As I heard someone say: This “made me feel all the feels”. It’s well written and engaging, and will likely stay with readers for quite a while. Recommended. I’m really glad I got a review copy!!     Blog Tour Reviews – iRead Book Tours  

Splashes of Joy   MY THOUGHTS ON THIS BOOK What a unique visit with the life of Russell the dog! In this book is the story of this dog’s journey through life. Sadly, Russell’s journey didn’t start off so well, but his struggles were to only make him stronger in life. I was both laughing and crying at times as Russell took me on the different parts of his journey, and as he met his struggles and the fun he had head on. I was especially intrigued reading this story through the eyes of Russell and getting to see and understand the lessons he’s learned through his life journey. I wasn’t sure about this book when I first saw it, but I am so glad I read it. It is not only an amazing book to read, it left me loving my little doggie even more. And I’ve many times wondered what she’s thinking, which this will have me wondering even more. This is a fun book to read, getting inside Russell’s head, and one I think any animal lover will love and appreciate.  

Rosepoint Publishing  My Review: You’ve heard that many times, but canines have such an impact on our lives and such a strong attachment to the human spirit, it’s almost easy to see Russell as the spiritual journey he is intended to be in this strong metaphysical romp. Russell is a medium sized scruffy dog of interesting heritage. But Russell is not just a dog. He’s a conduit for the soul through which he’s been transformed into the physical and it’s his turn to finally and resolutely seek answers. While Russell the dog may not have been here before, his soul certainly has, and it is this journey for which you’ll become embroiled. The engaging story of a puppy born into “the Pit,” as he describes it, is fraught with stories of hunger and constantly being on guard. The dangers are many. Becoming a rescue and finding a forever home, he begins the excursion into a succession of reincarnations. Each story may help explain the who and why of his soul, dissecting fears, confronting failures, and learning to forgive himself and others, and finally love. All is directed toward growth. The storyline is told in an easy, informative way, that quickly and totally immerses the reader in the philosophy, regardless the perspective from which you begin. Amazingly, it all begins to make sense. Russell’s spirit guides are familiar, patient, loving, and kind as they casually direct him to his next revelation and ease him from pain to enlightenment. Flashbacks to Paul Coelho’s book The Alchemist but this gentle tale seems so much easier to swallow, digest, understand, and champion. And so many beautiful passages of prose… “If he doesn’t succeed in reviewing his previous life, he will likely choose to return to a suspended state, leaving his soul’s growth stifled…” “You did not fail but only revealed what you had not yet mastered.” What is revealed in conclusion may come as a surprise to some readers, but with the strong mantra of connectedness, not unexpected. Powerful, immersive, and thought-provoking on many levels. Totally recommended.    

leelslovesbooks.com  Review I recall a newly released movie not too long ago… I cannot recall the name, but the trailers made it appear as if the dog’s soul kept coming back to life as a new dog, to a new family, for a new journey. This book reminds me of that movie trailer. I was sucked into the book immediately. I mean really, who doesn’t love dogs – puppies – for that matter!? I loved reading life through the eyes of a dog. It’s always fun to read stories through a point of view that we normally don’t get to see. Through a puppy and then a dog’s eyes was definitely different and enjoyable. I highlighted many quotes and little pieces of inspiration for future use. I found inspiration, life reminders, and positive quotes throughout the book. This is certainly a book that I think I will read again in the future and definitely recommend for those who love our four-legged friends! It is a good read; inspiring; and aligns with a belief system that not everyone agrees with, but I do. I really do think people will enjoy this read!  

Books for Bookz My Review The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog A Blend of Truth, Fiction and Inspiration from the Other Side by Trisha Watson was a unique read in that it was very different from any other book I read. I found the idea of reincarnation from human to dog to be interesting especially with how the journey was so emotional. I could not help but be pulled in.   

Corinnerodrigues.com My review Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love dogs and the unique perspective of this book made it hard to resist. As an Indian, I’m not new to the concept of reincarnation of humans as animals. So when Russell starts channeling his Spirit Guides, I found it really interesting. The book was funny in parts and had me shedding a tear or two in others. I quickly realized that there was a much deeper message that the author wanted to convey through it. We’re all called to listen to our inner voices and follow their urgings. Often, we don’t and that causes a lot of problems for us. But the good news is that we get several chances at learning to follow our voices and for correcting our mistakes. Or in Pete’s case, we even get another lifetime to make up for our mistakes and fulfill our soul’s destiny. It was a very enjoyable read – combining my love for dogs and the whole spiritual aspect of our lives!    

bookcornernewsandreviews.com My Review  The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog Offers a Unique Story to Readers. Telling a life story–full of love, hope, and spiritual and worldly life lessons–from a dog’s point of view–brings a different, more straightforward element to this book. The author allows readers to focus on various aspects of life and humanity (from both human and animal perspectives. Readers will Enjoy the Novel’s Many Messages. Even if your beliefs do not allow for reincarnation–the author still offers several life lessons that readers will take away from the story–and enjoy. Watching the main character grow and share his life experiences (and offer wisdom earned from past life experiences) gives readers many opportunities to reflect on personal challenges and life’s struggles. Russell, the dog, has a lot of useful advice to offer–and the author presents it in a very open-minded, fun way for human readers. Would I Recommend The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog by Trisha Watson?  This book will undoubtedly be a hit for dog lovers who already feel those unique dog/human bonds and connections. Readers will find an emotional, well-written story that brings hope and insights into how we live life and the choices we make. I loved the story–and I love reading Russell’s thoughts on his world. The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog is a unique story that engages readers from the first page and holds hearts past the last page. I would recommend this book to animal lovers–even those who may not believe in reincarnation and Spirit Guides. Also, if you are wondering if a story told from a dog’s point of view is a piece of adult fiction–don’t worry–the story is never immature or false-feeling. I look forward to reading more from this author.   

Svetlanas reads and views  
Characters: The main characters include Russell/ Pete as well as his friends and family. All of the characters were well written and given memorable personalities. I definitely think Russell/ Pete was a favorite of mine because he was all too human and he definitely desired to rise above his understandings. 
One never knows the previous baggage brought from past lives 
Most of the story is written in first person narrative from Russells point of view, although from time to time other characters, namely spirit guides, contribute to the story as well. The story is definitely engaging and beautifully written. Opinion: Truly, I have to ask the author, what is real and what’s not real in this book? I think I expected for the book to go one way but was pleasantly surprised it went in a different direction. The spirit world was well done and beautifully crafted, and I was very surprised at how much it felt, well, right. I also enjoyed the story and the plot as well and would have wanted more details about different souls that entered into Russell’s life. For a beautiful exploration of the spiritual world, I would definitely check out this book.      

Locks, Hooks and Books My Review:    I found The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog: A Blend of Truth, Fiction, and Inspiration from the Other Side to be a good debut for author, Trisha Watson. I loved getting to know the character – a furry friend, Russell. It was interesting looking at the world through a dog’s eyes. It brought out a variety of emotions from me. I was giggling at times and grabbing for the box of tissues at other times. Russell was definitely full of wisdom and inspiration. This story was full of action, adventure, and knowledge. I enjoyed taking this journey with Russell. The sweet pup’s life and many lives was able to teach me so much throughout the pages. His tale was such a heartwarming read for me that kept engaged me from start to finish. I am giving The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog: A Blend of Truth, Fiction, and Inspiration from the Other Side four and a half stars. I would be looking forward to more books by this author in the future. I recommend this one for readers who enjoy reading stories that involve the adventure of our four-legged friends. I hope they will find some inspiration within the pages like I did. This is one book that should not be missed and definitely worth a read.      

Sefinahawkesbooks.wordpress.com Review The Spiritual Adventures of Russell the Dog A Blend of Truth, Fiction and Inspiration from the Other Side by Trisha Watson was a well written book that I greatly enjoyed. As a dog lover I found this book to not only be inspirational, but also to be an enjoyable read that really made me stop and think about myself, my life, and my dog. I’m glad I read it!          

Yeti 5.0 out of 5 stars Love this book!!
I couldn’t put this book down. It’s a beautiful love story, both inspiring and a little self-help? I loved how Ms. Watson took difficult concepts of the other side and made them “real” and understandable. Brilliant!

Anna J. Franklin 5.0 out of 5 stars A beautifully spiritual journey
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2020 Verified Purchase
So glad I decided to read this adventure! It took me to places I never dreamed I would travel. I laughed and cried all the way to the end. My soul is enriched by Russell the Dog’s life experiences and soul-level growth. I think this book will change many souls as it addresses all the truly important lessons we hope to learn before we return to spirit. Thank you, Trisha Watson, for touching my life so deeply with your book.

Elizabeth 5.0 out of 5 stars The Scruffy Hero’s Journey!
Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2020 Verified Purchase
This is the story of the scruffy hero’s journey! You will enjoy Russell’s quirky antics, experience the challenges brought about by his stubborn nature, and cheer him on in this spiritual adventure! Russell’s spirit guides patiently persist to dissolve resistance that impedes his growth. His universe assists in orchestrating each lesson through his family and his environment using creatures great and small. Each plays a part as they funnel him through experiences that serve as a catalyst for change. And finally, feel the joy and triumph that comes from the transformative power of surrender! I loved this book! I invite you to take this spiritual journey and be inspired!

5.0 out of 5 stars Take this emotional ride!
Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2020 Verified Purchase
This book really moved me with the depth of emotion that it elicited. It is amazing how a sweet little dog who also was full of bad habits, could capture your heart and lead the reader on an incredible journey. This was well worth the emotional ride.

Hal Sipes
5.0 out of 5 stars Fun read, thoughtfully written would recommend to everyone to read
Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2020
Verified Purchase
Interesting story, like this book an easy thoughtful read

5.0 out of 5 stars You may open the book as a skeptic, but you will turn the last page believing in angels.
Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2020
With this sometimes lyrical, sometimes harrowing, always engaging story of a rough cut little puppy finding his way from the hellish Pit where he is born (and all too sadly, these places do exist) to his happy and loving forever home, we the readers of his tale (tail?) find ourselves growing in grace and spirit along with Russell as he learns about life, love and karma and struggles to make sense of the things he learns and the things he fears. Don’t be afraid to pick this one up – no matter what your personal beliefs on the subject of reincarnation, Russell’s story is told in a simple, direct way that allows you to follow his journey from whatever perspective you start from. You will end up feeling enriched, beguiled, and full of hope for the future of mankind. This one is a keeper! Don’t miss it!

Mary A. Walewsk
5.0 out of 5 stars What if your dog found you for a higher purpose?
Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2020
As I read this book, I found myself looking at my dog, wondering what her higher purpose might be! Dog lovers and people interested in spirituality will be fascinated with the ideas presented by this author. Beautifully written and heartfelt, it’s a lovely tribute to a scruffy dog who makes good!